Hinchazón abdominal después de un aumento de senos

Breast augmentation is one of the Cosmetic surgeries most performed worldwide. Today, there are different techniques to perform breast enlargement. However, this process has a series of stages that sometimes cause concern in patients. Among these: Abdominal swelling after breast augmentation When we see in photos the final finish of a Breast augmentation, we were delighted by the

Hinchazón abdominal después de un aumento de senos Leer más »

¿Qué es la cirugía estética?

A cosmetic surgery is an intervention that is performed to improve the person’s appearance, depending on what you want to achieve. You can do fat removal, incorporation of fats or synthetic elements to increase a desired area. The results are usually those desired, as long as the patient follows the surgeon’s instructions. Factors you should

¿Qué es la cirugía estética? Leer más »