Is exercise required after liposuction?

A question many patients ask is whether they should exercise after liposuction. The truth is that it should be done for several reasons that we will mention in this post, in addition to a balanced diet. You should also consider the rest time of the aesthetic surgery, before doing it, so it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Rest time after liposuction

When you have liposuction or any other cosmetic surgery, it is always recommended to rest for a while. This may vary, depending on the patient, although there is an estimate depending on the activity. For example, for short walks it is advisable to wait at least 2 to 4 weeks.

In the case of more intense activity, it is advisable to wait at least 6 weeks of rest. It is recommended that before starting this type of routine, you consult with your doctor to determine if you are already fit to do them or if you should wait a little longer. It is also recommended that you ask what types of exercises you can do or which ones are most recommended at that moment.

Why should I exercise after liposuction?

If you are wondering the reasons to exercise after liposuction, there are several that we are going to tell you about now. The first reason is so that the changes you have in your body are permanent and can even be improved further. Firstly, it should be noted that if you continue with a poor diet and lack of exercise, the fat could come back.

Another aspect that should be considered is the areas that were not treated by cosmetic surgery. Liposuction extracts fat from a specific area, discarding it or placing it elsewhere to add greater volume to a specific area. This results in areas with fat in it. 

Exercise will not only help maintain the results of the operation, it will also make other areas of the body lose fat and look more defined and beautiful. If you have questions about what you can eat and what exercises you can do, you can consult our experts in the area.

Another reason to exercise is that it prevents the harmful effects of visceral fat. This is a fat that forms in the deepest part of the abdomen and internal organs. It usually appears when liposuction is performed, causing negative effects on the body.

Continuous exercise will prevent the effects from occurring and if you combine them with good nutrition, even better. It is advisable in this part to combine cardiovascular and physical exercises. This is so that all the body systems work and you have a balanced physical condition.

Recommended exercises

We recommend several activities (after the doctor gives you permission to do them). The first is a gentle jog, which you can combine with anaerobic activities such as Sprint. You can do exercises such as squats, push-ups, sit-ups, bars, this will help you to have a better physical condition.

If you want to develop more muscle mass, you can do multi-strength exercise machines or weights. However, combine them with stretching exercises so that your body does not lose flexibility. This way you can have the beautiful body you want and at the same time agile.

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At Riviera Medical Center We always recommend that you consult everything with an expert. Whether it is a nutritionist, trainer, who can guide you to the results you want and you can achieve them in the shortest time possible. This considering that he has a better idea of ​​the physical characteristics of your body and what it requires at this moment. If you want to start exercising after liposuction, ask us and we will assist you