What is day-to-day life like after breast augmentation?

Many consider that the aesthetic surgery Breast augmentation is quite complicated and difficult. The truth is that the operation itself is easy and does not have many setbacks, but day to day life after a breast augmentation is something else. Actually, the post-operative process is the most strict and must be followed to the letter. That is why day-to-day life after breast augmentation is very important to know and follow.

Operative process

As we mentioned before, the process for breast augmentation is quite simple. It can be done in different ways, depending on the type of breast surgery What are they going to do to you? 

For this process, the surgeon begins the incisions in the areas where the scars are least noticeable, so that everything is aesthetically pleasing. Among the most common areas are the base of the breasts, the area around the nipples and the armpits.

Day to day life after breast augmentation

If we talk about day-to-day life after breast augmentation, the first thing you should know is that at first you should be very calm. Arm movements should be very limited so as not to affect the results of the surgery. To do this, it is recommended that you wear clothes that are easy to remove. Specialists recommend flannels with buttons or zippers, which you can easily take off.

In the first days you should also avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and taking medications that are anticoagulants. It is also recommended a balanced diet that helps accelerate healing and skin regeneration times. Regarding this, you can check with our specialists and they will gladly assist you.

You may feel pain, discomfort, and nausea in the first few days after the operation. For this you can take painkillers to relieve the discomfort. It is recommended that you also ask your doctor which ones you can use.

When can I start doing daily activities?

Many are wondering when it is time to return to their daily activities. This may depend on your condition, so we recommend that you check with your doctor. However, in most cases on day 3 you can return to doing common activities that do not involve much effort with your arms.

You can drive if you are not taking pain relievers, you can take light walks. All this calmly and with constant progress, but according to your condition. Exercises in the first 2 weeks are ruled out, however after that time, light exercises are recommended.

As for routines, you can consult with your doctor to advise you on the exercises you can do and how often. You can also ask her about how you can increase activity as the recovery time from breast augmentation surgery passes.

Should I go for a check-up after the operation?

The answer is a resounding yes, in fact it is recommended that you constantly go to the doctor for check-ups. This will verify that the implants are still in place, and will also review how your recovery is progressing. They will also recommend breast supports to prevent the prostheses from coming out of place. 

On a day-to-day basis after a breast augmentation, the doctor will be aware of every situation that you may experience. This includes any pain you may feel from the surgical procedure. Also to avoid any complication that can arise. It will even be aware of any unfavorable element that is detected and will correct it in time.

Final comments

As you can detail, the surgical operation is a simple and routine process in the hands of the experts of the La Riviera Medical Center. As for recovery, it is a process that must be carried out carefully, but you have our experts who will help you ensure that the results are lasting and your recovery is as short and calm as possible.